Please find the answers and video links below to many of the most common questions:
How do I mix Beat Your Neighbor fertilizer?
Our fertilizer is water soluble and super-concentrated. Mix just a 1/2 tsp per gallon of water.
Watch our video below on Fertilizing:
How do I fertilize my flowers?
Just water as normal with the fertilizer mix. You want the soil to be well saturated, but not to the point where water is coming out the bottom of the container.
Watch our video on Watering Hanging Baskets below:
How often should I fertilize?
Outdoor plants and flowers should be fertilized at least once a week. Indoor plants about once a month. You can fertilize more often if you really want your flowers to get going (example in early spring.) Up to 2 or 3 times a week will give them a good boost, then taper back to at least once a week.
Can I use this fertilizer on my garden?
Absolutely. Your garden vegetables will love it.
Can I use this on trees or shrubs?
Yes, but it is not designed for them. You may be better off with a tree spike or a specific fertilizer if you have evergreens.
Can I use BYN fertilizer on my lawn?
You could but it is really for plants, flowers and vegetables. You would be better off with an actual lawn fertilizer.
Is Beat Your Neighbor fertilizer organic?
No, sorry it is not an organic fertilizer.
What is the NPK of your fertilizer?
What are the ingredients?
All ingredients are listed on the label below.
Do you have phone number to place the order over the phone?
Sorry, we do not.
You only ship to certain states. Why?
Due to state licensing and regulations of fertilizer, at this time we cannot ship to these states:
How can I get a promo code to use?
Sign up for the email newsletter and you will be sent one to use right away.
How fast will I receive my order?
We ship USPS Mail, you should receive your order usually in 5 to 10 days. You will receive a tracking number via email. Please click on that link to track your order or copy/paste your tracking number into the box on the USPS website at: www.USPS.com
Can I use it on perennials?
Absolutely. You can also use it on roses and hydrangeas too as a general purpose, but specialized flowers should use a specific fertilizer.
How long before I see results?
You'll see foliage start to turn greener within a few days but getting flowers does take time to form. Feed a few times a week if you want faster results.
Is this available in any stores?
We are proudly not in the big box retailers, however, we do have several independent floral, greenhouses (where you should be getting your flowers) and shops selling our fertilizer. You can find the retail stores that carry our fertilizer here: https://beatyourneighbor.com/retail/
Can you ship to Canada or outside the USA?
No, sorry. We can only ship within the USA.
Can I use this fertilizer in a hose-end sprayer?
Yes you can, just remember that ours is concentrated so you would probably use half a jar, because that would make about 50 gallons which is usually what the Miracle Gro hose-end sprayers make. Just be sure to check the color of the fertilizer in a clear glass coming out from the sprayer. It should have just a tint of blue.
Watch our video on Hose-End Sprayers below:
What soil should I use for my flowers?
It is VERY important to use a good quality soil, and it's NOT likely that you will find that in any big box retailer. If you are not using a good grade of soil, you will not get the results that you are looking for from our fertilizer. There is no way for the nutrients in the fertilizer to get to the plants in a sub-standard soil mix.
Watch our video on soil here:
My flowers went dry and are wilting. How do I bring them back?
Watch our video on How to Water Really Dry Flowers below: